[原声音乐] Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Deluxe Edition Soundtrack刺客信条兄弟会豪华版原声带 [MP3]

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曲目  · · · · · ·
1 Master Assassin (3:18)
2 City of Rome (5:31)
3 Cesare Borgia (2:59)
4 Flags of Rome (2:33)
5 The Brotherhood Escapes (2:01)
6 Brotherhood of the Assassins (3:01)
7 The Pantheon (3:03)
8 Villa Under Attack (2:11)
9 Echoes of the Roman Ruins (2:50)
10 Borgia Tower (2:11)
11 Borgia Occupation (3:01)
12 Roman Underworld (3:43)
13 Countdown (3:32)
14 Borgia - The Rulers of Rome (3:58)
15 Ezio Confronts Lucrezia (2:56)
16 Battle in Spain (1:34)
17 Fight of the Assassins (2:35)
18 Desmond Miles (4:45)
19 VR Room (2:47)
20 End Fight (ACII Bonus Track) (1:37)
21 Legacy of the Borgia Family (2:29)
22 Rome Countryside (2:59)


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