[古典音乐会] 玛利亚·卡拉斯 - 汉堡音乐会 (1959,1962) (2015)蓝光原盘 [BDMV 19.7G]

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影片名称 : Maria Callas - In Concert: Hamburg (1959 & 1962)
文件体积 : 19.7G
封装格式 : 蓝光原盘 BDMV
音轨规格 : 英语 High Profile 4.1 英语 LPCM 2.0

    This blu-ray disc is part of a collection of three that gather together concert and stage performances from the latter phase of Callas’s career, between 1958 and 1964. These are the only professional video recordings of Callas in performance on stage. All three blu-rays contain footage of Callas performing arias in concert. Even without staging and costumes, she demonstrates her mesmerizing stage presence and her ability to bring the music and the character to life – through the music and text, through facial expression and through subtle use of gesture.

Tracklist :
15 May 1959
Nicola Rescigno
Gaspare Spontini 1774-1851
1. La vestale – Tu che invoco con orrore
Giuseppe Verdi 1813-1901
2. Macbeth – Nel di della vittoria io le incontrai…
Gioachino Rossini 1792-1868
3. Il barbiere di Siviglia – Una voce poco fa
4. Don Carlo – Tu che le vanità
Vincenzo Bellini 1801-1835
5. Il pirata – Oh! s’io potessi dissipar le nubi

16 March 1962
Georges Prêtre
Jules Massenet 1842-1912
6. Le Cid – De cet affreux combat...
Charles Gounod 1818-1893
7. Mireille – Overture
Georges Bizet 1838-1875
8. Carmen – Prelude
9. Carmen – Habanera
10. Carmen – Entr'acte
11. Carmen – Séguidille
Giuseppe Verdi 1813-1901
12. La forza del destino –Overture
13. Ernani –Surta è la notte… Ernani, involami
Gioachino Rossini 1792-1868
14. La Cenerentola – Nacqui all’affanno e al pianto…
Giuseppe Verdi 1813-1901
15. Don Carlo – O don fatale, o don crudel

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